Auberge Saint Martin

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Restaurant Auberge Saint Martin

Our restaurant will be open exclusively to hotel guests and half-boarders. We offer you, through our local specialties and regional cuisine, a discovery of Cucina Bianca and the links it forges with its territory. We welcome you for breakfast and dinner on the terrace or in the warm vaulted room.

Check out our daily dish and our news on our official Facebook page at Auberge Saint Martin: Restaurant in La Brigue Auberge Saint Martin

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Auberge Saint Martin - 2 Place Saint Martin - 06430 La Brigue - France Phone: +33 (0)4 93 53 97 15 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 53 94 26

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Copyright © 2014 Auberge Saint Martin - All Rights Reserved | Created by Alexandre Valenzisi