Auberge Saint Martin

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Mountain Bike Haute Roya Tende La Brigue

The Maritime Alps (Alpes-Maritimes) is the area of choice for lovers of mountain biking and famous elite athletes who are able to position themselves globally.
You can discover seashores to mountain peaks, in all seasons, following the mild climate, an incredible variety of reliefs as well as the beautiful scenery not to mention the rich local heritage.
Saint Martin Hotel is the start of 360 km of traced paths all levels with the possibility to rent mountain biking and leave it on high points to 2000 m guaranteeing exceptional views.

You can explore La Brigue nature trail or a crossroads of "oratoires des chemins", votive plaques interposed between the low vegetation characteristic of the trails here, built on cliffs that were dedicated to the Virgin Mary or a patron saint.
The Traversée du Marguareis is the largest, with a length of 60 km, 1000 m to 2100 m of ascent and descent. This world-famous karst massif, in addition to its rich history, abounds with beautiful scenery and breathtaking views. To address this route requires some endurance.

New to the amateur or professional bike in the municipality of La Brigue:

Information systems, course, dishes, holiday, courses: MTB Haute Roya
Take note of mountain biking from La Brigue, Tende, Casterino : MTB routes map Haute Roya

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Auberge Saint Martin - 2 Place Saint Martin - 06430 La Brigue - France Phone: +33 (0)4 93 53 97 15 Fax: +33 (0)4 93 53 94 26

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